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1. White House hopeful Rudy Giuliani has become the first US presidential candidate to take a tough stand against illegal immigration.

2. She lives with her parents and doesn't have to worry about losing touch with existing friends or missing out on gossip from her home town. Living at home is also a big saving on accommodation.

3.Investors have enjoyed three or four exceptionally favourable years and some may have become overexcited, taking on more risk than sensible.

4.In theory this is an attractive idea, but it seldom works in practice.

5.Fraudsters have plenty of methods at their disposal to get their hands on your accounts.

6.A police spokeswoman said: "We are trying to facilitate lawful protest but if people are going to break the law, we are going to take action."

7.Five crews battled the flames for more than six hours before bringing them under control.

8.Police confirmed last night that they were still looking for four people, but could not rule out the possibility that visitors to the hotel might have been trapped inside.

9.The ship took its contented passengers into a calm Mediterranean spring. Tweed jackets gave way to linen ones, trouser-suits to sundresses.

10.The Prime Minister believes it would be wrong to call a snap election because he feels it is important to prove to voters that he candeliver change.

11.A number of immigrants have suffered strokes and have been left disabled because they do not have access to any of the care available in Britain.

12.Senior officers claim that criminals often level charges against them in an attempt tothrow doubt on their guilt.

13.The shadow Foreign Secretary has warned Cameron not to follow his example and lurch to the right, as happened when he came under pressure in 1999.

14.The government plan, which came into force in April, lays down national rules that all councils in England must follow when making their decisions.

15.To have politicians taking over the role of the judiciarywould set a very dangerous precedent.

16.Where Blair and Bush were at one in believing in the use of military force, Brown tends to think that more good can be achieved by aid and trade.

17.Self-supporting students are now likely to leave university with a 30,000 debt, and then contemplate the impossibility of gaining a foothold in the overheated housing market.

18.The Sunday Telegraph revealed how the former Portuguese colony (Guinea Bissau) is in danger of becoming Africa's first "narco state" because of the extent to which Colombian drug barons have taken a grip on the country.

2.Определите идиоматическое значение прилагательных (а)

исуществительных (В) в следующих словосочетаниях.


a dead letter, a dead fence, a dead end, a dead-end job, a dead wire, dead loss, a good debt, a bad debt, hard currency, hard liquor, hard drugs, high life, high tea, at high noon, in high summer, high treason, a pretty penny, a thin audience, thin beer, a thin excuse, a thin story, a blind date, a blind alley, a blind wall, a blind landing, small talk, in the small hours, a white lie, a white elephant, blue water, blue stories, blue chip.


a bed of roses, a bed of thorns, the crux of the matter, a baker's dozen, the cock of the walk, a bolt from the blue, the seeds of time, a pillar/the pillars of society, a rope of sand, a shot in the wild, a soldier of fortune, birds of feather, the ups and downs of smth., odds and ends.

3. Переведите следующие фразеологические обороты. Прокомментируйте особенности их перевода в каждой из выделенных групп.



to play a second fiddle

to fight with the windmills

to fish in troubled waters

to be at crossroads

to throw dust in smb. 's eyes

to rest on one's laurels

to tempt Providence

to cut the Gordian knot

the lion's share

to take smb. under one's wing

to be up to ears in smth.


to take/follow the line of least resistance

to bury one's head in the sand Draconian laws



to throw sand in the wheels

to go through thick and thin

to set the Thames on fire

to buy a pig in a poke

to be hand in glove with smb.

to wear one's heart on one's sleeve

to escape by a hair's breadth

to cry over spilt milk

to pull the wool over one's eyes

to make a killing on smth.

to be born with a silver spoon in one's mouth


to call a spade a spade

to have a finger in every pie to draw the line at smth. to be on the ball

to mind one's p's and q's to throw in the towel

to have other fish to fry to pay through the nose

to keep up with the Joneses to cut smb. off with a shilling to talk shop

to smell a rat

4. Дайте русские эквиваленты следующих устойчивых оборотов, заимствованных из Библии (а) и античной культуры



a prodigal son

a doubting Thomas

the slaughter/massacre of the innocent

the horn of plenty

the Holy of Holies

Solomon's judgement

a dog in the manger

Buridan's ass

Noah's ark

salt of the Earth

ten commandments

the stumbling stone

writing on the wall

Man shall not live by bread alone.

Nothing is secret that shall not be made manifest.

He who sows the wind, shall reap the whirlwind.

Phoenix rising from the ashes

by/in the sweat of one's brow/face

to separate the wheat from the chaff/the husk from the grain

seven deadly sins

thirty pieces of silver

Confusion of Babylon

a voice in the wilderness



the Augean stables

under the aegis

the sword of Domocles

the torments of Tantalus

the Procrustean bed

a Sisyphean labour

the thread of Ariadne

the bonds/ties of Hymen

the apple of discord

the labours of Hercules

the heel of Achilles

the Hub of the Universe

to sink/fall into the Lethe

a Greek gift/the Trojan horse

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